The Perth Mint

Coin Collector DM

The Perth Mint needed to offer their highest-value customers the opportunity to acquire a rare bird - one of twelve 2oz Gold Proof High Relief Australian Kookaburra coins, valued at $7.599. We tapped into these customers' insatiable need to collect with a 'collectible' piece of direct mail. We set out to be the diametric opposite of so-called junk mail with a limited edition print from a local artist of the coin's avian subject, finished with foiling in The Perth Mint's signature gold.

And when one recipient of this personalised, yet completely unsolicited, letter rang up to apologise for not being able to buy the product on offer, but to instead pass on their admiration for the artwork, it seemed like we’d achieved our goal.

Art Director: Ellen Treharne
Copywriter: Anneliese Sullivan
Illustrator: Janice Law

PADC Skulls – Silver for Direct Marketing, Direct Mail Single

Illustrator Janice Law’s process images.


Keystart – How Low?


Foodbank WA – Purple Plates for Christmas